
About Mother & Changemaker Consulting

I spent months thinking about what to name my consulting business. I asked friends. I wrote lists. I brainstormed with strangers. At the end of my search, I found what was right in front of me the whole time. The words that I already so naturally used to describe myself and my work: Mother and Changemaker.

My journey to this point sews a thread through my experiences in youth homelessness and housing instability, my identity as a mother, and my willingness to advocate strongly for the things that I believe in. The lessons that I have learned through my experiences are things I continue to apply to my work today. It’s what makes me a good facilitator, story teller, and listener. It’s what makes me skilled in navigating the needs of others, patient enough to help people understand, and fierce enough to stand up for those who are vulnerable. It is what allowed me to support connection between service providers and governments to the people they are serving so we can all meet our shared goals.